Porträtt - Katerina Graham
Katerina Graham – Bonnie Bennett
Född: 5 september 1989 i Genevé Schweiz
Katerina föddes i Genevé i Schweiz då hennes far jobbade som journalist för FN. Hennes far med rötter i både Liberia och USA har även jobbat inom musik branchen, hennes farfar jobbade som ambassadör för Liberia i Genevé och hennes mor har både ryska och judiska rötter. Katerina gick i en hebreisk skola och pratar engelska, spanska,franska lite portugisiska och hebreiska. Hon tycker att hennes multikulturella rötter har hjälpt att influera henne både artistiskt och personligt och det har även gjort att hon har en motivation att lyckas. När Katerina var fyra år flyttade familjen till Los Angeles och det är också där Katerina har växt upp.
Katerinas första upplevelser av underhållningsbranchen fick hon då hon vid sex års ålder började göra reklamfilmer för bland annat Barbie, K-mart och pop-tarts. Hennes första stora genombrott kom när hon ersatte en ung Christina Milian som värd för serien Movie Surfers. Katerina har även gjort gästinhopp i serier som Joan of Arcadia, Like Family, Grounded for Life, Lizzie McGuire, CSI, OC, Malcolm ett geni i familjen, Strong Medecine och Hannah Montana.
Vid 15 års ålder blev Katerina utvald av koreografen Fatima att uppträda på BET-galan bakom Lil Bow Wow. Det framträdandet ledde till att hon fick uppträda med Missy Elliott, Pharell och Jamie Foxx. Katerina är inte bara duktig på dans och teater, hon är även duktig på musik. En av de första låtarna hon skrev och spelade in hette Derailed och hamnade i en Jean-Claude van Damme film. Jobbet med den låten gav henne blodad tand för musik och hon skaffade egen inspelningsutrustning och lade till producent på sitt cv. Trots att hon inte haft någon formell utbildning i ämnet lärde hon sig snabbt och lade sig till med en unik producent stil.
Ett år senare mötte hon producenten Damon Elliott som senare visade sig bli en viktig mentor. Medan de två jobbade med att utveckla hennes talanger inom musik fortsatte hon att jobba som skådespelerska i olika tv-serier, hon syntes också i olika musikvideor.
17 år gammal blev Katerina rekryterad av Coca-Cola för att göra reklam för Fanta och under tiden hon gjorde det reklamjobbet avslutade hon sina studier i inspelningsteknik.
Nyligen avslutade hon en världturné tillsammans med Black Eyes Peas, och hennes röst kan även höras på Will.I.Ams senaste solo skiva Songs About Girls. Katerina hade också en roll i filmen 17 again tillsammans med Zac Efron och Matthew Perry. Hennes kommande filmprojekt är Our first Christmas och Bleachers och hon kommer även synas i Chicago Pulaski Jones där Cedric the entertainer gör regi debut. Just nu är håller hon på och filmar Boogie Town tillsammans med Marques Houston, Brenda Song och Vanessa Simmons och även thrillern The Roommate tillsammans med Leighton Meester från Gossip Girl.
- Bleachers (2010) (in production) .... Melanie
- Boogie Town (2010) (in production) .... Ingrid
- The Roommate (2011) (post-production) .... Kim
- Chicago Pulaski Jones (2010) (post-production) .... Chaka
- "The Vampire Diaries" .... Bonnie Bennett (44 episodes, 2009-2011)
- Episode #2.11 (2011) TV episode .... Bonnie Bennett
- Episode #2.12 (2011) TV episode .... Bonnie Bennett
- Episode #2.13 (2011) TV episode .... Bonnie Bennett
- Episode #2.14 (2011) TV episode .... Bonnie Bennett
- Episode #2.15 (2011) TV episode .... Bonnie Bennett
(39 more) - "Hannah Montana" .... Allison (3 episodes, 2008-2009)
... aka "Secret Idol Hannah Montana" - Japan (English title)
- Uptight (Oliver's All Right) (2009) TV episode .... Allison
- Jake... Another Little Piece of My Heart (2009) TV episode .... Allison
- You Never Give Me My Money (2008) TV episode .... Allison - 17 Again (2009) .... Jaime
... aka "Seventeen Again" - Japan (English title) - Our First Christmas (2008) (TV) .... Bernie
- "Greek" .... Dancer (1 episode, 2007)
- The Rusty Nail (2007) TV episode (uncredited) .... Dancer - Hell on Earth (2007) (TV) .... Felicia
- "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .... Tisha (1 episode, 2006)
... aka "CSI: Las Vegas" - South Africa (English title) (informal alternative title), USA (syndication title)
... aka "C.S.I." - USA (short title)
... aka "CSI: Weekends" - USA (promotional title)
- Poppin' Tags (2006) TV episode .... Tisha - "The O.C." .... Kim (1 episode, 2006)
- The Undertow (2006) TV episode .... Kim - "Grounded for Life" .... Laura (1 episode, 2004)
- Psycho Therapy (2004) TV episode .... Laura - "Like Family" .... Girl (1 episode, 2004)
- Romancing the Home (2004) TV episode .... Girl - Johnson Family Vacation (2004) .... Dancer
- "Joan of Arcadia" .... Angela (1 episode, 2004)
- No Bad Guy (2004) TV episode .... Angela - "Malcolm in the Middle" .... Actress (1 episode, 2003)
- Watching the Baby (2003) TV episode .... Actress - "Strong Medicine" (1 episode, 2003)
- Degeneration (2003) TV episode - "Lizzie McGuire" .... Posse Member #2 (1 episode, 2002)
- You're a Good Man, Lizzie McGuire (2002) TV episode .... Posse Member #2 - The Parent Trap (1998) .... Jackie
... aka "Disney's The Parent Trap" - USA (complete title)
... aka "Family Game" - Japan (English title)
Porträtt - Sara Canning
Sara Canning – Jenna Sommers
Född: 14 juli 1987
Sara Canning föddes i Gander, New Foundland, Kanada. Hon växte upp i Sherwood Park nära Edmonton. Saras första roll efter att ha tagit examen från Vancouver Film School var som Nicky Hilton i tv-filmen Paparazzi Princess: The Paris Hilton Story. 2008 gjorde hon ett gästspel i Smallvill och ett år senare i Kyle XY.
Under uppväxten tävlade Sara i konståkning. Hennes första roll som professionell skådespelerska gjorde hon i scen versionen av 1984. Rollen som gav henne ett genombrott var när hon spelade Anne Sluti i filmen Taken in broad Daylight. Förutom att jobba som skådespelerska gillar Sara att jobba med andra former av underhållning. Hon har bland annat skrivit och producerat en independent film vilken också var hennes slutprojekt under studietiden.
1. "The Vampire Diaries" .... Jenna Sommers (19 episodes, 2009-2010)
- Blood Brothers (2010) TV episode .... Jenna Sommers
- Miss Mystic Falls (2010) TV episode .... Jenna Sommers
- Under Control (2010) TV episode .... Jenna Sommers
- Let the Right One In (2010) TV episode (credit only) .... Jenna Sommers
- There Goes the Neighborhood (2010) TV episode .... Jenna Sommers
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2. Black Field (2009/I) .... Maggie McGregor
3. Black Rain (2009) (TV) .... Jenny
4. Come Dance at My Wedding (2009) (TV) .... Andrea Merriman
5. Taken in Broad Daylight (2009) (TV) .... Anne Sluti
6. "Kyle XY" .... Redhead (1 episode, 2009)
- In the Company of Men (2009) TV episode .... Redhead
7. Slap Shot 3: The Junior League (2008) (V) .... Hope
8. "Smallville" .... Kat (2 episodes, 2008)
... aka "Smallville Beginnings" - USA (rerun title)
- Plastique (2008) TV episode .... Kat
- Odyssey (2008) TV episode .... Kat
9. Paparazzi Princess: The Paris Hilton Story (2008) (TV) .... Nicky Hilton
Porträtt - Steven R. McQueen
Steven R. McQueen – Jeremy Gilbert
Född: 13 juli 1988 i Los Angeles, USA
Födelsenamn: Terrence Steven McQueen II
Längd: 183 cm
Steven är född i en riktig skådespelarfamilj, hans farfar,farmor och pappa har alla jobbat som skådespelare och trots sin unga ålder har han redan lyckats bygga ett imponerande CV. Steven hade en återkommande roll i dramaserien Everwood som Kyle Hunter och han har även huvudrollen i Disney Channel filmen Minutemen. Han har också gjort gästspel i serier som CSI-Miami, Without a Trace, Numbers och Treshold.
På vita duken fanns Steven med i independent filmen Club Soda och han har även en huvudroll i den kommande sci-fi action filmen Piranha 3-D tillsammans med Elizabeth Shue och Jerry O´Connell. Fritiden ägnar Steven gärna åt kampsport, ishockey, kickboxning och ridning.
Notera att Steven egentligen är ett år äldre än Nina Dobrev som spelar hans storasyster i serien.
Piranha 3-D (2010) (post-production) .... Jake Forester
The Vampire Diaries" .... Jeremy Gilbert (20 episodes, 2009-2010)
- Blood Brothers (2010) TV episode .... Jeremy Gilbert
- Miss Mystic Falls (2010) TV episode .... Jeremy Gilbert
- Under Control (2010) TV episode .... Jeremy Gilbert
- Let the Right One In (2010) TV episode .... Jeremy Gilbert
- There Goes the Neighborhood (2010) TV episode .... Jeremy Gilbert
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"CSI: Miami" .... Keith Walsh (1 episode, 2008)
... aka "CSI: Weekends" - USA (promotional title)
- Gone Baby Gone (2008) TV episode .... Keith Walsh
"Without a Trace" .... Will Duncan (1 episode, 2008)
... aka "W.A.T" - USA (short title)
- True/False (2008) TV episode .... Will Duncan
"Numb3rs" .... Craig Ezra (1 episode, 2008)
... aka "Num3ers" - USA (promotional title)
- Atomic No. 33 (2008) TV episode .... Craig Ezra
Minutemen (2008) (TV) .... Derek Beaugard
Stories USA (2007) .... The Kid (segment "Club Soda")
Club Soda (2006) .... The Kid
"Everwood" .... Kyle Hunter (7 episodes, 2005-2006)
- The Land of Confusion (2006) TV episode .... Kyle Hunter
- An Ounce of Prevention (2006) TV episode .... Kyle Hunter
- You're a Good Man, Andy Brown (2006) TV episode .... Kyle Hunter
- Ghosts (2006) TV episode .... Kyle Hunter
- Free Fall (2005) TV episode .... Kyle Hunter
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"Threshold" .... Jordan Peters (1 episode, 2005)
- Blood of the Children (2005) TV episode .... Jordan Peters
Porträtt - Paul Wesley

1. Beneath the Blue (2010) (post-production) .... Craig Morrison
... aka Way of the Dolphin (International: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: working title)
2. "The Vampire Diaries" .... Stefan Salvatore (16 episodes, 2009-2010)
- There Goes the Neighborhood (2010) TV episode .... Stefan Salvatore
- A Few Good Men (2010) TV episode .... Stefan Salvatore
- Fool Me Once (2010) TV episode .... Stefan Salvatore
- Children of the Damned (2010) TV episode .... Stefan Salvatore
- Unpleasantville (2010) TV episode .... Stefan Salvatore
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3. "24" .... Stephen (4 episodes, 2009-2010)
- Day 8: 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (2010) TV episode .... Stephen
- Day 8: 5:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (2010) TV episode .... Stephen
- Day 7: 5:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. (2009) TV episode .... Stephen
- Day 7: 2:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. (2009) TV episode .... Stephen
4. "Army Wives" .... PFC Logan Atwater / ... (5 episodes, 2008-2009)
- Best Laid Plans (2009) TV episode .... PFC Logan Atwater
- Last Minute Changes (2008) TV episode .... PFC Logan Atwater
- Departures, Arrivals (2008) TV episode .... PFC Logan Atwater
- All in the Family (2008) TV episode .... Logan Atwater
- Transitions (2008) TV episode .... PFC Logan Atwater
5. Elsewhere (2009) .... Billy
6. Killer Movie (2008) .... Jake Tanner
7. "Cold Case" .... Petey Murphy '08 (1 episode, 2008)
- Bad Reputation (2008) TV episode .... Petey Murphy '08
8. The Russell Girl (2008) (TV) .... Evan Carroll
9. "Shark" .... Justin Bishop (1 episode, 2007)
- Shaun of the Dead (2007) TV episode .... Justin Bishop
10. "Cane" .... Nick (3 episodes, 2007)
- One Man Is an Island (2007) TV episode .... Nick
- Brotherhood (2007) TV episode .... Nick
- Family Business (2007) TV episode .... Nick
11. "Fallen" .... Aaron Corbett (4 episodes, 2007)
- Il Gran Rifuto (2007) TV episode .... Aaron Corbett
- Someone Always Has to Die (2007) TV episode .... Aaron Corbett
- Mysterious Ways and All That (2007) TV episode .... Aaron Corbett
- The Time of the Redeemer (2007) TV episode .... Aaron Corbett
12. Fallen (2006) (TV) .... Aaron Corbett
13. Peaceful Warrior (2006) .... Trevor
14. "Crossing Jordan" .... Quentin Baker (1 episode, 2006)
- Thin Ice (2006) TV episode .... Quentin Baker
15. Lenexa, 1 Mile (2006) .... Rick Lausier
... aka Full Count (USA: DVD title)
16. Cloud 9 (2006) .... Jackson Fargo
17. "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" .... Danny Burrell / ... (2 episodes, 2000-2005)
... aka Law & Order: SVU (UK: promotional abbreviation) (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka Special Victims Unit (New Zealand: English title) (UK: informal short title)
- Ripped (2005) TV episode .... Luke Breslin
- Wrong Is Right (2000) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Danny Burrell
18. "CSI: NY" .... Steve Samprass (1 episode, 2005)
- Grand Murder at Central Station (2005) TV episode .... Steve Samprass
19. Roll Bounce (2005) .... Troy
20. "American Dreams" .... Tommy DeFelice (11 episodes, 2002-2005)
... aka Our Generation (Australia) (USA: working title)
- For Richer, for Poorer (2005) TV episode .... Tommy DeFelice
- Truth Be Told (2005) TV episode .... Tommy DeFelice
- Home Again (2005) TV episode .... Tommy DeFelice
- The Carpetbaggers (2003) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Tommy DeFelice
- Where the Boys Are (2003) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Tommy DeFelice
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21. "CSI: Miami" .... Jack Warner Bradford (1 episode, 2004)
... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
- Legal (2004) TV episode .... Jack Warner Bradford
22. "Everwood" .... Tommy Callahan (9 episodes, 2003-2004)
... aka Our New Life in Everwood (UK: new syndication title)
- Unfinished Business (2004) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Tommy Callahan
- Unspoken Truths (2004) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Tommy Callahan
- The L Word (2004) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Tommy Callahan
- No Sure Thing (2004) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Tommy Callahan
- Forget Me Not (2004) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Tommy Callahan
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23. "8 Simple Rules... for Dating My Teenage Daughter" .... Damian (2 episodes, 2003-2004)
... aka 8 Simple Rules (USA: new title)
- Opposites Attract: Part 3: Night of the Locust (2004) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Damian
- Premiere (2003) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Damian
24. The Last Run (2004) (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Seth
25. "The O.C." .... Donnie (1 episode, 2003)
- The Outsider (2003) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Donnie
26. "Smallville" .... Lucas Luthor (1 episode, 2003)
... aka Smallville Beginnings (USA: rerun title)
... aka Smallville: Superman the Early Years (UK: promotional title)
- Prodigal (2003) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Lucas Luthor
27. The Edge (2003) (TV) (as Paul Wasilewski)
28. "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" .... Luke Miller (1 episode, 2002)
... aka Law & Order: CI (USA: promotional abbreviation)
- Malignant (2002) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Luke Miller
29. Minority Report (2002) (uncredited) .... Nathan with Bicycle
30. "The Education of Max Bickford" .... Craig (1 episode, 2002)
- One More Time (2002) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Craig
31. "Wolf Lake" .... Luke Cates (10 episodes, 2001-2002)
- If These Wolves Could Talk (2002) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Luke Cates
- Legend of Lost Lenore (2002) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Luke Cates
- Leader of the Pack (2002) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Luke Cates
- Four Feet Under (2002) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Luke Cates
- Excitable Boy (2001) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Luke Cates
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32. Young Arthur (2002) (TV) (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Lancelot
33. Shot in the Heart (2001) (TV) (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Gary (Age 15-22)
34. "The Guiding Light" .... Max Nickerson #2 (6 episodes, 1999-2001)
... aka Guiding Light (USA: new title)
- Episode #1.13376 (2000) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Max Nickerson #2
- Episode dated 24 March 2000 (2000) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Max Nickerson #2
- Episode dated 6 March 2000 (2000) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Max Nickerson #2
- Episode dated 28 February 2000 (2000) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Max Nickerson #2
- Episode dated 9 November 1999 (1999) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Max Nickerson #2
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35. "Another World" .... Sean McKinnon (1 episode, 1999)
... aka Another World: Bay City
- Episode dated 25 June 1999 (1999) TV episode (as Paul Wasilewski) .... Sean McKinnon
Porträtt - Ian Somerhalder

1. Cradlewood (2011) (pre-production) .... Josh
2. How to Make Love to a Woman (2010) (completed) .... Daniel
3. "The Vampire Diaries" .... Damon Salvatore (16 episodes, 2009-2010)
- There Goes the Neighborhood (2010) TV episode .... Damon Salvatore
- A Few Good Men (2010) TV episode .... Damon Salvatore
- Fool Me Once (2010) TV episode .... Damon Salvatore
- Children of the Damned (2010) TV episode .... Damon Salvatore
- Unpleasantville (2010) TV episode .... Damon Salvatore
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4. "Lost" .... Boone Carlyle (29 episodes, 2004-2010)
- LA X (2010) TV episode .... Boone Carlyle
- Exposé (2007) TV episode .... Boone Carlyle
- Further Instructions (2006) TV episode .... Boone Carlyle
- The Other 48 Days (2005) TV episode (voice) (uncredited) .... Boone Carlyle
- Abandoned (2005) TV episode .... Boone Carlyle
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5. The Tournament (2009) .... Miles Slade
6. Fireball (2009) (TV)
7. Wake (2009/I) .... Tyler
8. Lost City Raiders (2008) (TV) .... Jack Kubiak
9. The Lost Samaritan (2008) .... William Archer
10. "Tell Me You Love Me" .... Nick (6 episodes, 2007)
- Episode #1.9 (2007) TV episode .... Nick
- Episode #1.8 (2007) TV episode .... Nick
- Episode #1.7 (2007) TV episode .... Nick
- Episode #1.6 (2007) TV episode .... Nick
- Episode #1.5 (2007) TV episode .... Nick
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11. Marco Polo (2007) (TV) .... Marco Polo
12. The Sensation of Sight (2006) .... Drifter
13. Pulse (2006/I) .... Dexter
14. TV: The Movie (2006)
... aka National Lampoon's TV the Movie (USA: complete title)
15. Recess (2004) .... Cooley
16. The Old Man and the Studio (2004) .... Matt
17. "Smallville" .... Adam Knight (6 episodes, 2004)
... aka Smallville Beginnings (USA: rerun title)
... aka Smallville: Superman the Early Years (UK: promotional title)
- Crisis (2004) TV episode .... Adam Knight
- Obsession (2004) TV episode .... Adam Knight
- Velocity (2004) TV episode .... Adam Knight
- Hereafter (2004) TV episode .... Adam Knight
- Delete (2004) TV episode .... Adam Knight
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18. In Enemy Hands (2004) .... U.S.S. Swordfish: Danny Miller
... aka U-Boat (Europe: English title: DVD box title)
19. Fearless (2004) (TV) .... Jordan Gracie
20. "CSI: Miami" .... Ricky Murdoch (1 episode, 2003)
... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
- The Best Defense (2003) TV episode .... Ricky Murdoch
21. "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" .... Charlie Baker (1 episode, 2003)
... aka Law & Order: SVU (UK: promotional abbreviation) (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka Special Victims Unit (New Zealand: English title) (UK: informal short title)
- Dominance (2003) TV episode .... Charlie Baker
22. The Rules of Attraction (2002) .... Paul Denton
... aka Die Regeln des Spiels (Germany)
23. "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .... Tony Del Nagro (1 episode, 2002)
... aka CSI: Las Vegas (South Africa: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: syndication title)
... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title)
... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
... aka Les experts (Canada: French title)
- Revenge Is Best Served Cold (2002) TV episode .... Tony Del Nagro
24. Changing Hearts (2002) .... Jason Kelly
25. Life as a House (2001) .... Josh
26. Anatomy of a Hate Crime (2001) (TV) .... Russell Henderson
27. "Young Americans" .... Hamilton Fleming (8 episodes, 2000)
- Will Bella Scout Her Mom? (2000) TV episode .... Hamilton Fleming
- Free Will (2000) TV episode .... Hamilton Fleming
- Gone (2000) TV episode .... Hamilton Fleming
- Winning Isn't Everything (2000) TV episode .... Hamilton Fleming
- Cinderbella (2000) TV episode .... Hamilton Fleming
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28. "Now and Again" .... Brian (1 episode, 1999)
- A Girl's Life (1999) TV episode .... Brian
29. Celebrity (1998) (unconfirmed) (uncredited)
30. "The Big Easy" .... I.Q. (1 episode, 1997)
- The Black Bag (1997) TV episode .... I.Q.
Porträtt - Nina Dobrev
Nina Dobrev – Elena Gilbert
Födelsedatum: 9 januari 1989 i Sofia Bulgarien
Längd: 169 cm
Nina flyttade från Bulgarien till Ontario i Kanada när hon var två år gammal och har bott där sen dess. Ända sen ung ålder har Nina haft ett stort intresse för konst. Dans, gymnastik, teater, musik var bara några saker hon höll på med som liten. Hon testade även på att vara modell något som senare ledde till reklam jobb som senare ledde till film auditions. Inte långt efter sina första auditions fick hon roller i bland annat den populära serien Degrassi: The next generation
Nina älskar att resa och har ofta besökt Europa, både för skojs skull och för att representera Kanada i gymnastik. Hon gillar även att spela volleyboll, fotboll, simning, klättring och ridning för att nämna några saker.
1. American Empire (2011) (pre-production)
2. "The Vampire Diaries" .... Elena Gilbert / ... (16 episodes, 2009-2010)
- There Goes the Neighborhood (2010) TV episode .... Elena Gilbert
- A Few Good Men (2010) TV episode .... Elena Gilbert
- Fool Me Once (2010) TV episode .... Elena Gilbert
- Children of the Damned (2010) TV episode .... Elena Gilbert / Katherine Pierce
- Unpleasantville (2010) TV episode .... Elena Gilbert
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3. Merry Madagascar (2009) (TV) (voice) .... Cupid
4. "Degrassi: The Next Generation" .... Mia Jones / ... (44 episodes, 2006-2009)
... aka Degrassi, nouvelle génération (Canada: French title)
- Just Can't Get Enough: Part 1 (2009) TV episode .... Mia Jones
- Just Can't Get Enough: Part 2 (2009) TV episode .... Mia
- Danger Zone (2009) TV episode .... Mia Jones
- Up Where We Belong (2009) TV episode .... Mia Jones
- Jane Says: Part 1 (2009) TV episode .... Mia Jones
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5. Chloe (2009) .... Anna
6. Degrassi Goes Hollywood (2009) (TV) .... Mia Jones
7. "Eleventh Hour" .... Grace Dahl (1 episode, 2009)
- Eternal (2009) TV episode .... Grace Dahl
8. You Got That Light (2009) .... Girl
9. "The Border" .... Maia (2 episodes, 2008)
- Articles of Faith (2008) TV episode .... Maia
- Blowback (2008) TV episode .... Maia
10. Mookie's Law (2008) .... Rosabella
11. The American Mall (2008) (TV) .... Ally
12. Never Cry Werewolf (2008) (TV) .... Loren Hansett
13. My Daughter's Secret (2007) (TV) .... Justine
14. Fugitive Pieces (2007) .... Bella
... aka Syntrimmia psyhis (Greece)
15. Too Young to Marry (2007) (TV) .... Jessica Carpenter
16. The Poet (2007) .... Rachel
... aka Hearts of War (USA: DVD title)
17. How She Move (2007) .... Tall Girl in Bathroom
... aka Bouge de là! (Canada: French title)
18. Away from Her (2006) .... Monica
... aka Loin d'elle (Canada: French title)
19. Playing House (2006) (TV) .... Young Frannie
20. Repo! The Genetic Opera (2006) .... Teenage Zytrate Addict