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Damon: I was impressed. I´ll give it a six. Missing in style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face thing, it was good.
Stefan: It´s all fun and games, huh Damon? But wherever you go, people die.
Damon: That´s a given.
Stefan: Not here. I won´t allow it.
Damon: I take that as an invitation.
Stefan: Damon, please, after all these years can´t we just give it a rest?
Damon: I promised you an eternity of misery, so I´m just keeping my word.
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Trailer avsnitt 18 - Under Control
Ian Somerhalder på It´s On with Alexa Chung
Katerina Graham visar innehållet i sin sminkväska
Seventeen pratar Vampire Diaries med Candice Accola
Seventeen Chats with Candice Accola about The Vampire Diaries
Candice Accola may play the boy crazy Caroline on The Vampire Diaries, but can you really blame her? She gets to hang with hotties Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Zach Roerig, Steven McQueen, and Michael Trevino all day long, which is exactly why we grilled her on all the juicy behind-the-scenes stuff when she stopped by the Seventeen offices!
17: Most TV shows film in L.A., New York, or Canada, but The Vampire Diaries films in Atlanta, which is a little different. Is it weird being away from home?
Candice Accola: I am the lucky duck because I have family there. My wonderful aunt and uncle are letting me crash on their couch, which isn't really a couch...I have a room! It's been kind of a blessing for the cast because all of us have gotten so close, not knowing anyone in Atlanta. All the guys on the show have become kind of like brothers, and all of us girls are pretty inseparable.
17: What does the cast do when everyone is hanging out?
CA: We hang at my aunt and uncle's house. We've been geeking out and making girly collages and cooking dinners and barbequing. The boys are wicked awesome on the barbeque.
17: They cook for you! We're jealous!
CA: I know, and with their shirts off too, it's really rough out's terrible!
17: What's it like playing Caroline?
CA: A lot of fun! Her thing is boys...boys and [getting] attention. [Laughs]
17: How are you most similar to her?
CA: She's sassy, she likes to say things for the shock factor sometimes, when she's talking about boys or anything really. If she can throw in that funny one-liner, then she'll totally go for it, and that's kind of my weakness too: I like to say things that maybe I shouldn't.
17: How's Caroline's style similar or different than yours?
CA: She's more casual than trendy. Caroline's style is more small town. She wears lots of cute basics with fun patterns. She's very colorful and wears lots of bright colors, which I do too actually. But whereas I might wear a funky, red vintage minidress, she would wear a little cotton baby doll dress with some flats, and I'll always throw on the heels.
17: Are you on the edge of your seat every time you get a new script?
CA: We actually got in trouble, [but] we're all blaming Nina [Dobrev] who plays Elena. Nina took the script from the hair and makeup trailer because we've been dying to know what will happen next. And then she got caught, and so now, they have scripts on lockdown, and they won't tell us any information!
17: What makes The Vampire Diaries different from all the other vampire stuff out there right now?
CA: With The Vampire Diaries, it's not just a tease, especially with the relationships. You're not sitting there going, 'God, I wish they'd get it over with and kiss!' There's no teasing, they jump right into the action.
17: Let's do some cast superlatives. Who's the funniest?
CA: Zachary Roerig who plays Matt, he's just a character.
17: Who's the smartest?
CA: I'd have to say Ian [Somerhalder] because he's the oldest.
17: Who's the most serious?
CA: Paul [Wesley].
17: Who's the hottest guy?
CA: All the boys are just so gorgeous. Let's call it like it's day-of-the-week underwear and one's for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Each boy is like that. There's one for every day of the week...there's no need for just one to win!
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Teasers för avsnitt 17 - Let the right one in
Bakom kulisserna med Nina Dobrev
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Vampire in Love
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Vampire Diaries har nu spridit sig ända till Indonesien
'Vampire Diaries' Star Paul Wesley Talks About His 'Close Bond' With Ian Somerhalder In Da Man Magazine
We know "The Vampire Diaries" is huge here in the USA, but the show is now officially an international phenomenon, too. Indonesian magazine Da Man spoke with star Paul Wesley about playing Stefan Salvatore, his biggest acting influences, and being a part of an international phenomenon.
Paul knew "VD" could be a hit from the start, as long as people watched three or four episodes, he told Da Man. "I knew we’d have a really good shot, because of the genre and the people involved," he said. "I was very confident of the writers and I was very confident working with the cast while shooting."
Speaking of the cast, yes, he does spend time with his costars, Ian Somerhalder in particular. "I hang out with Ian a lot. We spend a lot of time together professionally and we’re on set all the time, so we’ve developed a very close bond. He’s a great guy."
Paul said his favorite part about playing Stefan on "VD" is that the character's willing to grow. "Stefan is 165 years old, but he's going through so many changes right now, especially what we're going to explore during Season 2. And he's a very complex character, because he has a lot of things inside of him, but he's still a vampire, so he's still tempted by the dark side. He has a lot of hurt and pain and suffering. And he has to manage all this while trying to be a normal person for Elena's sake."
But lest you think playing a lead on the show gives him a little more insight into where the writers are going with his character, know that Paul's just as clueless as the rest of us. "It will be interesting to know where the story goes," he said, "because they haven’t told me. But I feel very lucky, very fortunate."
Paul, who counts Philip Seymour Hoffman and Daniel Day Lewis as inspirations, also talked about when he decided to become an actor. "I decided to go to college first, so the day I decided was the last day I could drop out of college before it would have any negative impact on my academic career. I had to drop out because I couldn’t sit there and study and try to live this acting thing and make it work. So, I decided to forgo my academics and commit to doing this as a profession. And it was a big moment for me because for 18-19 years studying things that had nothing to do with acting, so to let that go of that was a very weird feeling. Then, it was very freeing."
Paul said he's a big fan of independent and foreign films along with mainstream movies -- Ingmar Bergman, Stanley Kubrik, and Martin Scorsese in particular. "I’ve probably watched ['Goodfellas'] 10 times. I just enjoy watching it because I think the performances are incredible."
But he's not all serious — Paul said he loves comedies too. "I love Christopher Guest, who did 'Best in Show' and 'Waiting for 'Guffman' and was a writer/actor on 'This is Spinal Tap,'" he continued. "It’s such a good movie. Every time it’s on, I can’t help but think ‘How brilliant.’"
Zach Roerig pratar vampyr fenomenet och om Matts mors återvändande
Promo avsnitt 17 - Let the Right One In
Nina Dobrev pryder omslaget på Seventeen Magazine
'Vampire Diaries' Star Nina Dobrev Says She Won't Date Costars, Relates To Bella Swan In Seventeen
"Vampire Diaries" star Nina Dobrev graces the cover of Seventeen magazine this month, and dishes all the dirt about her on-screen love, her off-screen high school drama and how she relates to Bella Swan.
We all know that Paul Wesley is a hottie, but Nina tells us why his vamp appeal is not just evident in the character he plays — it's also a part of his own personality. "The first time Paul and I met, I met nine other guys as well because I had already been cast and they were deciding for the Stefan role," she recalled. "I had to read with like 30 studio executives, and they were just kind of watching and analyzing because that was the whole point of the test...they wanted to see who had the best chemistry. And everyone was great, but Paul had this old soul, like a history that you could feel...he seemed like he'd been around longer, and knew more, and he had a grasp for the character different from anyone else."
Now that she gets to hang out with Paul and his onscreen bro Ian Somerhalder all the time, Nina must have some juice on them, right? "They're both really great in different kinds of ways." Um, tell us something we don't know! "Paul definitely takes his job very seriously He's very professional. Ian's the prankster, the jokester. He makes light of every moment, and he's very exciting and cool. He has the best stories, because he has just experienced so much, and he's been on so many cool sets and movies. We love each other's company."
Do they love each other's company so much that any of them would ever date off-set? "I think it could definitely get sticky if you dated your costar," Nina explained. "To be completely honest, dating an actor is very complicated. There's a lot of vanity involved. And they're in their head, and they're kind of crazy. And you're always surrounded by beautiful people. I would prefer not to date an actor."
With such a charmed life, it’s hard to imagine Nina ever went through a rough patch. But she admits her high school days were no easy ride. "Looking back on high school, I just remember specific scenarios and thinking, wow, that was such a big deal at the time, but right now it feels like it never even happened. So I guess if I can give any advice, I would just say that everything will pass, and it'll feel like it was a big deal over nothing. Life goes on and then you change and other things happen, and everything feels like it's so much worse afterward. It'll always get better."
With the obvious similarities between Elena Gilbert, Nina’s character on the show, and Bella Swan, of the "Twilight" saga, it’s no wonder Nina relates to both characters. She tells Seventeen lt;/em>that she feels like a bit of a hybrid of the two.
"I think that Elena has more awareness of her friends and family, and everyone around her, and looking out for everyone's best interests. But Bella reflects that unconditionally in love, the blinded love that girls really do experience sometimes. They fall in love with someone, and they'll do anything and everything for that one person. I think I'm more like Elena, but I have a little bit of Bella in me. When I'm in love with someone and they're really important to me, I will definitely take care of them, but at the same time, I'm not going to throw everything away for a relationship — I still have my friends, and I still have an awareness of everything around me."
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Sara Canning pratar med MTV
'Vampire Diaries' Star Sara Canning Calls Nina Dobrev A 'Great Roommate' And Matt Davis A 'Total Goof'
Sara Canning has her pick of hot dudes on the set of "The Vampire Diaries" (Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Zach Roerig... do we need to go on?), but the 22-year-old actress, who plays Elena and Jeremy's Aunt Jenna on the show (we know! She's so young!), told Betty Confidential that she wouldn't actually date any of them. “The guys are nice, smart, and easy on the eyes, but they’re family to me," she said.
She couldn't even decide on which fictional man she'd choose, instead opting for a fusion of several. "In reality, I definitely go for a guy who is driven and has a good soul, but is also funny and bold," Sara said. "And he’s gotta be able to keep me on my toes and challenge me. Doesn’t that sound like a mixture of Matt, Stefan, and Damon?"
On the show, Sara's character, Jenna, is dating history teacher Alaric, played by Matt Davis, whom Sara said she gets along with well. "Matt’s so fun to work with," she said, "a total goof with a big heart. We have the same sense of humor, and he keeps me laughing all the time on set."
The cast members laugh together off-set too. Sara echoed what we've heard previously from "VD" stars Katerina Graham and Steven McQueen — that the cast really does like to spend their free time together. "We love to hang out as a cast, but we typically keep things low-key. Unless we’re all flying to Vegas to celebrate Nina’s 21st birthday. But if we’re all here [in Atlanta] on a weekend, we’ll go out to dinner and play pool. Last summer we spent a lot of time at a lake, tubing and jet skiing. We’re all adventurous, but very laid-back."
The cast gets along so well, in fact, that some of them live together. Sara said she and Nina Dobrev are roomies, and they get along great. "Nina is such a great roommate. We have our own bathrooms, so it’s never an issue if one of us wants to take a long shower. And we both make grocery trips whenever we have time, and just share everything. We’re both really easy-going. We try to help each other stay healthy, but I usually cave and bring chocolate into the apartment."
If you had to pick one of the many men of "VD" to date, could you choose?
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Intervju med Ian Somerhalder
Toronto Sun publicerade i förra veckan denna intervju med allas vår favorit vampyr Ian Somerhalder. Innehåller spoilers för er som inte sett alla avsnitt som visats i USA.
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Strictly between us blood-suckers, Ian Somerhalder of The Vampire Diaries hasn’t watched the Twilight flicks.
“I’ve met Robert Pattinson before — he’s a nice guy,” Somerhalder said. “But I don’t know anything about (Pattinson’s character) Edward, because I’ve never seen any of the Twilight movies.
“I hear he’s a stud, though.”
We’re sure a lot of viewers would say the same thing about Somerhalder, not to mention his character on The Vampire Diaries, Damon Salvatore.
The Vampire Diaries, which also stars Paul Wesley and Canadian Nina Dobrev, returns with a new episode Thursday night on CTV and its network of origin, CW. The first season has been a pop-culture and ratings hit on both sides of the border, which isn’t unusual for CTV, but it’s a godsend for the little CW in the United States.
“Our fans our so enthusiastic,” said Somerhalder, 31. “The real key demographics for this show are so specific, and what we’re finding out is, in that specific age range, the amount of enthusiasm and the things they can do vocally to express that enthusiasm ... ”
Yes, there’s nothing quite like the sound of teenage girls squealing for their favourite stars.
But this isn’t merely kids’ stuff. If you like spooky stories, The Vampire Diaries will speak to you, regardless of your age or sex.
“There’s a very interesting historical aspect to this town,” said Somerhalder of the fictional Mystic Falls, Va. “The town is a character in itself.”
Set in modern times, The Vampire Diaries centres on vampire brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore (Somerhalder and Wesley), who for different reasons have become fascinated with a teen mortal named Elena Gilbert (Dobrev). Elena is a dead ringer — no pun intended — for the vampire named Katherine who originally turned both Damon and Stefan back in the mid-1800s.
Dobrev gets to play the evil Katherine in flashbacks — at least, thus far it has been in flashbacks. Just before The Vampire Diaries went on its mid-winter hiatus — as many series did during the Olympics — we discovered Katherine still is alive somewhere.
So what’s going to happen when Katherine meets Elena?
“If,” Somerhalder corrected.
“I think Damon and Katherine should go on a double-date with Stefan and Elena. Yeah, (Dobrev) will be working a lot.”
As this batch of new episodes begins, the Damon-Katherine relationship — or lack thereof — is at the heart of the drama.
Damon spent decades believing his true love, Katherine, was trapped in a spellbound vampire purgatory. But Damon now realizes Katherine never was trapped and has been roaming the earth all this time, never bothering to seek him out.
Stefan and Elena are very worried about Damon’s new attitude.
“You start to understand why and how the brothers became vampires, how that whole thing went down, which paints a picture of how you view Stefan and Damon, collectively and individually,” Somerhalder said.
“The events that led up to getting to Mystic Falls in the present day are not what they seem. There are a lot of paths we go down that one would have not thought of. It really illuminates this different picture of both Stefan and Damon, which is fun, because we needed a change.”
Well, don’t change too much, Ian. Fans seem to love your portrayal of Damon as exciting and engaging, but dangerous and mean.
“He’s not mean,” Somerhalder insisted. “It’s all a matter of perspective.”
by: Bill Harris